Sparky the Neon Cat:
The itinerary for day 7
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Brown pelican through the porthole
Sparky the Neon Cat:
The gang alights on Santiago
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Yellow warbler
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Yellow warbler
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Yellow warbler
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Plants and rocks
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Doug pondering that 374th sea lion shot
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Striated heron
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Striated heron
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Striated heron
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Ruddy turnstone and sanderlings (?)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Plants and rocks
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Marine iguanas
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Marine iguanas and Sally Lightfoot crabs
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Brown pelicans
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Water and rock
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Yellow-crowned night heron
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Marine iguanas
Sparky the Neon Cat:
The gang on shore
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sally Lightfoot crab
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Galapagos fur seal
Sparky the Neon Cat:
The Pinnacle
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Panga landing