Sparky the Neon Cat: Local child
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local woman
Sparky the Neon Cat: Pisonay tree
Sparky the Neon Cat: Market fruits
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local woman
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local woman
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local child
Sparky the Neon Cat: Market fruits
Sparky the Neon Cat: Market and guinea-pig pasta in a dodgy passionfruit sauce
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local woman
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local child
Sparky the Neon Cat: Local child
Sparky the Neon Cat: Irrigation ditch
Sparky the Neon Cat: Countryside
Sparky the Neon Cat: Pisonay tree
Sparky the Neon Cat: Countryside
Sparky the Neon Cat: Countryside
Sparky the Neon Cat: Paths and terraces
Sparky the Neon Cat: Countryside and terraces
Sparky the Neon Cat: Countryside