sparky05: John Ball
sparky05: John Ball & Friends
sparky05: Bald Eagle
sparky05: Penguin
sparky05: Shark!
sparky05: Shark!
sparky05: Ducks!
sparky05: Punny
sparky05: "Hoppy" to see you.
sparky05: Look! It's a tomato frog!
sparky05: Look! It's a toad!
sparky05: Golden Eagle
sparky05: The Majestic Golden Eagle
sparky05: The Golden Eagle
sparky05: This bird is pissed off.
sparky05: Otter!
sparky05: Otter!
sparky05: Otter!
sparky05: Sleepy Wolverine
sparky05: Some sort of mountain sheep
sparky05: Posing Bear
sparky05: Bear in motion
sparky05: Sleepy Bear
sparky05: Chillaxin' Bear
sparky05: Contemplative Bear
sparky05: Mountain Lion
sparky05: Mountain Lion
sparky05: Mountain Lion
sparky05: Mountain Lion
sparky05: Snow Leopard