sparkleneely: Young Nora
sparkleneely: scanned illustration
sparkleneely: Nora and George
sparkleneely: tennis anyone?
sparkleneely: sportif
sparkleneely: beach fun
sparkleneely: beach beauty
sparkleneely: sun worshipper
sparkleneely: George
sparkleneely: Nora and car
sparkleneely: Nora in color
sparkleneely: Nora on a bridge
sparkleneely: squirrel
sparkleneely: squirrel feeding
sparkleneely: Nora and squirrel
sparkleneely: pensive Nora
sparkleneely: Box o' Kittens
sparkleneely: kitten -- I call him "Mr. Whiskers"
sparkleneely: more kitten
sparkleneely: lounging kitten
sparkleneely: kitten whiskers
sparkleneely: Intrepid Whiskers
sparkleneely: Where's Mr. Whiskers
sparkleneely: Mr. Whiskers surveys the scene
sparkleneely: Regal Mr. Whiskers
sparkleneely: Mr. Whiskers on top of the car
sparkleneely: Mr. Whiskers
sparkleneely: Whisker in the sun