sparkleneely: Beginning of the night
sparkleneely: Twenty years later
sparkleneely: Tiki luv
sparkleneely: Mr. Smiley
sparkleneely: Ladies Man
sparkleneely: take our picture, please
sparkleneely: Pretty
sparkleneely: Peek-a-Boo
sparkleneely: Drunk McDrunkDrunk and Miss Mocktail
sparkleneely: tiki bar
sparkleneely: And again
sparkleneely: Size 6
sparkleneely: More of Michelle and Bruce
sparkleneely: More...
sparkleneely: PINCHY
sparkleneely: Michelle's new myspace picture
sparkleneely: Playing with the flash
sparkleneely: Reliving the TV 20 dance party days
sparkleneely: And yet another...
sparkleneely: More snake
sparkleneely: SEXY SNAKE
sparkleneely: The Orifice Series: Nostrils
sparkleneely: The Orifice Series: Ear
sparkleneely: The Orifice Series: Mouth
sparkleneely: The Orifice Series: uh...
sparkleneely: Forbidden Island