sparklemotion0: Tuborg? I thought The Simpson'd mde that name up.
sparklemotion0: Bull Schlitz
sparklemotion0: Miller makes it RIGHT
sparklemotion0: Michelob. Period.
sparklemotion0: The Golden Age of Schlitz
sparklemotion0: Point Beer
sparklemotion0: Someone's shirt!
sparklemotion0: Madison Trip Day 12: getting tipsy with my hippies part 2
sparklemotion0: Beered?
sparklemotion0: PBR NEON w/ gee-tar
sparklemotion0: Carling Black Label Beer
sparklemotion0: Official Tour de Fat Balloon
sparklemotion0: Beer of the Gods
sparklemotion0: Rainier!
sparklemotion0: PBR ME RFN
sparklemotion0: Two people, one love....AMERICA!
sparklemotion0: 22oz to freedom
sparklemotion0: Schlitz!
sparklemotion0: Merry Schlitzmas!
sparklemotion0: Schlitz!