sparklemotion0: Boone aka Cosette aka Kelly Kapowski
sparklemotion0: Sampson!
sparklemotion0: Sing it Barlow
sparklemotion0: Violet (red collar) and Murphy (pink collar)
sparklemotion0: Kristi and her dog lady
sparklemotion0: kristi and lady
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Murphy's family
sparklemotion0: Madison Trip Day #2
sparklemotion0: Madison trip day #3
sparklemotion0: Madison trip Day #4: A day which I wasn't even in Madison
sparklemotion0: Madison trip Day #4: A day which I wasn't even in Madison
sparklemotion0: Madison trip Day #4: A day which I wasn't even in Madison
sparklemotion0: Madison trip Day #4: A day which I wasn't even in Madison