Sparkle~and~Fade: Stage set-up
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: Clune dancing!
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: In the Spotlight
Sparkle~and~Fade: The One I Love
Sparkle~and~Fade: Interlude I
Sparkle~and~Fade: Nos da Cariad
Sparkle~and~Fade: Nos da Cariad
Sparkle~and~Fade: Nos da Cariad
Sparkle~and~Fade: Nos da Cariad
Sparkle~and~Fade: Nos da Cariad
Sparkle~and~Fade: Interlude
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me
Sparkle~and~Fade: Please Forgive Me