Photography Designs by Janelle:
Cedar Waxwing
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Dunton Ave to NW Hwy-Arlington Heights, Illinois
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Dunton Ave to NW Hwy-Arlington Heights, Illinois
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Lighted Windmill
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Lighted Ship
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Nutcracker Figures
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Apartment Complex 2
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Apartment Complex
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Spinach Savoring
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Pepperoni Savoring
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Pumpkin Pie w/ Whip Cream
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Pumpkin Pie w/ Whip Cream
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Cedar Waxwing
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Cedar Waxwing (thru Window)
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Bronze Drops
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops3
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops2
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops w/ Piggy Reflection
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops w/ Piggy Reflection3
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops w/ Piggy Reflection2
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Water Drops w/ Piggy Reflection
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Possible Baby Cowbird
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Downtown Des Plaines
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Metra Train Arriving Des Plaines Station
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Downtown Arlington Heights Train Station
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Vail Street Market-Jewels Arlington Heights
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Vail Street Market-Jewels Arlington Heights
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Marathon Gas Station-Arlington Heights, Il.
Photography Designs by Janelle:
Tree Shadow