Sparking Phoenix: Everything is RENT!
Sparking Phoenix: RENT, RENT, RENT, RENT...
Sparking Phoenix: We're not gonna pay RENT!
Sparking Phoenix: Benny threatens to evict the gang...
Sparking Phoenix: In the evening, I've got to roam...
Sparking Phoenix: No Day But Today!
Sparking Phoenix: There's only us, there's only here.
Sparking Phoenix: I'll Cover You!
Sparking Phoenix: Only thing to do is jump...
Sparking Phoenix: Maureen protests via her performance art piece.
Sparking Phoenix: They celebrate at Life Cafe.
Sparking Phoenix: Maureen tells off Benny and his financial backers.
Sparking Phoenix: A solemn tributes to Bohemia commences.
Sparking Phoenix: I Should Tell You...
Sparking Phoenix: Actual Reality!
Sparking Phoenix: Viva, La Vie Boheme!
Sparking Phoenix: March 13, 2011
Sparking Phoenix: Without you, the earth turns...
Sparking Phoenix: La Boheme, circa 1989, New York
Sparking Phoenix: In your eyes, the ones that took me by surprise...
Sparking Phoenix: Seasons of Love
Sparking Phoenix: How do you measure a year in the life of friends?