spankratchet: Little Jon looks up to Ammar
spankratchet: Little Jon
spankratchet: Mairi gives me the finger
spankratchet: Glum Kirsty
spankratchet: Crab hands
spankratchet: Mmm, Leffe
spankratchet: Little Mairi, Big Stacey
spankratchet: Lots of people
spankratchet: Lots of people
spankratchet: Lots of people
spankratchet: Ammar moves rapidly from side to side
spankratchet: Ammar remains stationary
spankratchet: Laura talks to Alan
spankratchet: Turnabout is fair play
spankratchet: Something happens over there...
spankratchet: Neil and Anselm
spankratchet: Ammar whispers in Neil's ear
spankratchet: Stacey whispers in Mat's ear
spankratchet: Stacey moves rapidly
spankratchet: From the table
spankratchet: Damian and Neil
spankratchet: Pay attention to the hand
spankratchet: Damian and Neil
spankratchet: The amazing oscillating Stacey
spankratchet: Like, whatever