spankratchet: Picnic in Greenwich Park
spankratchet: Distracted by the plastic fish mobile thing
spankratchet: Tiny appendages
spankratchet: Toe stretch
spankratchet: Relaxing in the cot
spankratchet: What are you doing, Dad?
spankratchet: Zebra Bum
spankratchet: Whassat?
spankratchet: I can see you with that camera
spankratchet: What's that over there?
spankratchet: Relaxing in his cot
spankratchet: I like that
spankratchet: Happy face
spankratchet: Trapped
spankratchet: Doing time
spankratchet: Hands at the bars
spankratchet: In his cot
spankratchet: Row, row, row your boat
spankratchet: I eat your head
spankratchet: Looking down on Mummy
spankratchet: I wonder if I can pull your nose off?
spankratchet: Take that cup off my head