We travel the Spaceways: Ballochmyle Walls - close up
We travel the Spaceways: Day 248//365. Ballochmyle Walls
We travel the Spaceways: beefsteak fungus
We travel the Spaceways: Ballochmyle Walls
We travel the Spaceways: Cambret Moor (the penny stone)
We travel the Spaceways: Glenquicken stone circle
We travel the Spaceways: Glenquicken cist
We travel the Spaceways: Jean at Balloch
We travel the Spaceways: day 251//365. moo
We travel the Spaceways: Torhousekie stone circle
We travel the Spaceways: Snails play sardines
We travel the Spaceways: Mull of Galloway lighthouse
We travel the Spaceways: The end of summer
We travel the Spaceways: Drumtroddan Carved Rocks
We travel the Spaceways: day 252//365. berries
We travel the Spaceways: Twelve Apostles stone circle
We travel the Spaceways: Twelve Apostles stone circle
We travel the Spaceways: day 253//365. Isle of Whithorn
We travel the Spaceways: Misty morning on Clatteringshaws loch
We travel the Spaceways: Clatteringshaws morning
We travel the Spaceways: Day 254//365. Clatteringshaws reflections