....Nishant Shah....: Large-billed Crow
....Nishant Shah....: Of Pelicans and Storks
....Nishant Shah....: Amongst the Godwits stood an Egret...
....Nishant Shah....: What goose around, comes back around!
....Nishant Shah....: Pied Avocets
....Nishant Shah....: Painted Stork
....Nishant Shah....: Watch what you eat!
....Nishant Shah....: The epic nose poking
....Nishant Shah....: Whats pink about the Pink Floyd?
....Nishant Shah....: Believe me! That fish was thiiiiiis big!
....Nishant Shah....: In broad daylight..
....Nishant Shah....: When stork does a spread eagle!
....Nishant Shah....: Mind your heads!!
....Nishant Shah....: Posing for the picture
....Nishant Shah....: Leave me alone...
....Nishant Shah....: One globe seemed all too small for the youthful Alexander. ~Juvenal
....Nishant Shah....: I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. ~Henry David Thoreau
....Nishant Shah....: I'm not Pinocchio
....Nishant Shah....: Pied Bushchat
....Nishant Shah....: Indian Roller
....Nishant Shah....: Fulvous Whistling Ducks