....Nishant Shah....:
Common Myna
....Nishant Shah....:
Whatcha looking at?
....Nishant Shah....:
Oriental Magpie Robin
....Nishant Shah....:
....Nishant Shah....:
Indian Grey Hornbill
....Nishant Shah....:
Vantage point
....Nishant Shah....:
Peep Tom
....Nishant Shah....:
Admit it, we are lost!!
....Nishant Shah....:
....Nishant Shah....:
Golden Backed Woodpecker
....Nishant Shah....:
Indian Roller
....Nishant Shah....:
Black Ibis
....Nishant Shah....:
Return to innocence
....Nishant Shah....:
....Nishant Shah....:
I can't help falling in love with you
....Nishant Shah....:
Pied Bushchat
....Nishant Shah....:
I ♥ Kung-fu
....Nishant Shah....:
....Nishant Shah....:
White Breasted Waterhen
....Nishant Shah....:
Two is a company
....Nishant Shah....:
3 Idiots
....Nishant Shah....:
Little Cormorant
....Nishant Shah....:
Meet the coots
....Nishant Shah....:
Grey Heron
....Nishant Shah....:
If you want to be found stand where the seeker seeks. ~Sidney Lanier
....Nishant Shah....:
Patience is the companion of wisdom. ~Saint Augustine
....Nishant Shah....:
Another day in paradise
....Nishant Shah....:
Hey who took my chip?
....Nishant Shah....:
Chip and tell
....Nishant Shah....:
Indian Palm Squirrel