space-scape: Boarding the ferry
space-scape: White Cliffs
space-scape: on our way
space-scape: Drivin
space-scape: Paris Traffic
space-scape: Eiffel Tower
space-scape: Camping in Bourges
space-scape: Bourges Cathedral
space-scape: Bourges Cathedral
space-scape: Bourges Cathedral
space-scape: Dog Wash
space-scape: Mick outside Bourges Cathedral
space-scape: Sarah & Guy
space-scape: Inside Bourges Cathedral
space-scape: Bridge under construction
space-scape: The others
space-scape: Approaching the Millau Viaduct
space-scape: Millau bridge and travellers
space-scape: Millau bridge
space-scape: Picture window
space-scape: Lunch on the terrace
space-scape: Lunch on the terrace
space-scape: Lunch
space-scape: Pool
space-scape: View
space-scape: Guy & Mick
space-scape: Music room
space-scape: Candlelight dinner
space-scape: DSCF0890