spablab: Agnes in yard
spablab: Gordon Fish
spablab: Me on a wrecked C-47, Gordon
spablab: Gordon Fish in the Army
spablab: Gordon outside barracks
spablab: Grandpa Fish WW2
spablab: Gordon and Edward Ellis of Missouri
spablab: Gordon and Monkey
spablab: Gordon, Lana Gayle, and their dog
spablab: Gordon in suit
spablab: Nice Beatles Haircut
spablab: going to the races in Indy
spablab: Mt Pleasant Christian Church
spablab: My maternal family
spablab: My mom and dad
spablab: Father in Kiwanis Club
spablab: My mom's new car
spablab: moon landing on this day
spablab: Crying Sean in Green Jumpsuit
spablab: Young boys
spablab: children of the 70s
spablab: birthday party
spablab: Big Wheels and Hostess
spablab: Pierre
spablab: Swimming
spablab: J-Qool
spablab: my first dog
spablab: Computer Break
spablab: The Breakfast Club
spablab: Lil Scarf Guy