kate at yr own risk: tired dad, shy boy
kate at yr own risk: glen checking out their work
kate at yr own risk: caught with inky fingers
kate at yr own risk: engaged in creation
kate at yr own risk: still shorter than mom
kate at yr own risk: my mom with jacob eating cheese
kate at yr own risk: technology at hand
kate at yr own risk: staying sober with virgin umbrella drinks
kate at yr own risk: story time for the 2-year old cousins
kate at yr own risk: more snacks from grandpa
kate at yr own risk: tearing around grandma's backyard
kate at yr own risk: petting a yellow jacket
kate at yr own risk: patienty waiting to eat
kate at yr own risk: here comes the birthday boy's cake
kate at yr own risk: hungry cousins at age two
kate at yr own risk: goofing off at the dinner table