Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Oxytropis aciphylla flower
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Oxytropis aciphylla
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Iris lactea Pall.
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Iris lactea Pall.
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Iris lactea Pall.
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Iris lactea Pall.
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Oxytropis aciphylla
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Oxytropis aciphylla
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Stipa glareosa P.Smirn
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Songaria Cynomorium
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Songaria Cynomorium
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Allium Mongolicum blossom
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Allium polyrhizum
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Allium Mongolicum
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Allium Mongolicum
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Stipa glareosa P.Smirn.
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Artemisia intricate- Оролдоо шарилж, Бор төлөг
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Artemisia intricate
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Among the Khongor Dunes
Wild, Natural and Nomadic: Gobi Saxaul shrub - Haloxylon ammodendron - Заг