Wanjuboy: i sparkle but i'll still kick your @$$
Wanjuboy: another time
Wanjuboy: variation on symphony R
Wanjuboy: you stole our youth. we're taking it back.
Wanjuboy: a raven's call
Wanjuboy: no time like the present
Wanjuboy: sometimes we try to be so old
Wanjuboy: i don't know why you love me
Wanjuboy: you never understood me
Wanjuboy: lunamaria
Wanjuboy: ja ne! じゃね
Wanjuboy: shinji-kun, come shop with us!
Wanjuboy: the new girl
Wanjuboy: my father never loved me
Wanjuboy: anime love
Wanjuboy: whatever, sanji
Wanjuboy: wounded bird
Wanjuboy: luffy with kick-ass hat
Wanjuboy: only children
Wanjuboy: sigh...ritsuko
Wanjuboy: dreams are nice
Wanjuboy: t h a n k f u l
Wanjuboy: eva for eva
Wanjuboy: time alone
Wanjuboy: talho
Wanjuboy: eat your heart out, shinji!
Wanjuboy: waiting for shinji
Wanjuboy: 機動戦士ガンダム
Wanjuboy: i am cute. so what you want?
Wanjuboy: inside feel i this