soxiam: streaming dept
soxiam: strategy dept
soxiam: rose
soxiam: rene
soxiam: riverbend office space
soxiam: riverbend office space
soxiam: riverbend office space
soxiam: riverbend office space
soxiam: producers
soxiam: officers
soxiam: norm the storm
soxiam: slandis
soxiam: slandis with umm...
soxiam: ladies and gentlemen... jerry fuckin' springer
soxiam: streaming media convention booth
soxiam: cajun dinner
soxiam: streaming media convention booth
soxiam: streaming media convention booth
soxiam: michael
soxiam: streamlive booth
soxiam: streaming media convention booth
soxiam: streaming media convention panel
soxiam: teretta at a panel
soxiam: teretta at a panel
soxiam: kevin
soxiam: olsen
soxiam: jen
soxiam: jaety
soxiam: first e-media board
soxiam: barb