scy ( busy ...... post n run): Abstract Series (This series all were "cuted" from some of my photo, I just adjust the exposure )
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 花卉色彩 Color of the flower
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 猜是什么....... : ) guess ,what is this . : )
scy ( busy ...... post n run): Silent . . . . . . 2
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 一地的回忆..... Memory
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 有浅.....有深.......
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 看不清楚会危险,看得清楚就一定安全?
scy ( busy ...... post n run): how u feel depend on how u think
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 娱乐 entertainment
scy ( busy ...... post n run): #2 _ Dear , look at me .......
scy ( busy ...... post n run): Swing ( Happy Halloween! ; ) )
scy ( busy ...... post n run): 这不是流星 These are not meteor