Sovereign Nations: Leaving Brava
Sovereign Nations: Full sail in the Atlantic
Sovereign Nations: The first sunset of the voyage
Sovereign Nations: What a pleasure! First sunset
Sovereign Nations: Sailing at night
Sovereign Nations: Offshore moon
Sovereign Nations: Dena's new headphones
Sovereign Nations: Dena showing off how well we're sailing
Sovereign Nations: An item for the to-do list
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger getting used to being underway
Sovereign Nations: Second offshore sunset
Sovereign Nations: Safety first, says Dena
Sovereign Nations: Furled staysail, full yankee
Sovereign Nations: Third offshore sunset
Sovereign Nations: James makes a pasta dinner while the sailing is easy
Sovereign Nations: Sunrise, far from Cabo Verde
Sovereign Nations: Dena in her element
Sovereign Nations: James getting ready for his watch in the night-vision-safe red lights
Sovereign Nations: Overnight watches have their glories
Sovereign Nations: Dena's getting a little loopy!
Sovereign Nations: Dena pretending to be normal
Sovereign Nations: Offshore sunrise
Sovereign Nations: Full moon sunset
Sovereign Nations: Hypnotized by the full moon
Sovereign Nations: Full moon heading down
Sovereign Nations: Sunrise opposite the setting full moon
Sovereign Nations: Soft glow from sunrise light
Sovereign Nations: The day after the full moon, the sun and moon are both visible in the sky
Sovereign Nations: Underway work: James tightens a bolt on the Primary Energies Tower
Sovereign Nations: Dena showing her main form of entertainment, other than taking in the world around her