Sovereign Nations: Below decks with Gato.
Sovereign Nations: Caterday 1.0
Sovereign Nations: Caterday-2.0
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Day one...
Sovereign Nations: Boat Caterday 1/16/2021
Sovereign Nations: Boat-Caterday, ongoing...
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger and Dena Hankins, American author, at work
Sovereign Nations: ...what wintering looks like.
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger and Indian fabric
Sovereign Nations: ...the pay off!
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger in front of the fire
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger
Sovereign Nations: Gato Aplamado
Sovereign Nations: Gato Aplamado, fixed
Sovereign Nations: Beluga's boat...
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger
Sovereign Nations: Cool Kitty
Sovereign Nations: Sneaky Gato
Sovereign Nations: Storm Caterday
Sovereign Nations: I got you!!!
Sovereign Nations: Kitty and Coffee in the cockpit...
Sovereign Nations: Gato Aplamado and Dena on Boat-Caterday
Sovereign Nations: Poised for sailing
Sovereign Nations: First fire of the year.
Sovereign Nations: Baluga Greyfinger in cute mode
Sovereign Nations: Oh, Gato...
Sovereign Nations: Beluga Greyfinger fetches