Sovereign Nations:
A Mariners Jumble
Sovereign Nations:
Backwater Chinese Net Fishing
Sovereign Nations:
Beached Boats
Sovereign Nations:
Boats Old and New
Sovereign Nations:
Bows and Buildings
Sovereign Nations:
Chinese-Style Fishing Nets
Sovereign Nations:
Citizen Tourists
Sovereign Nations:
Clogged Waterways
Sovereign Nations:
Communism and Cables
Sovereign Nations:
Day Glo Fishing Fleet
Sovereign Nations:
Dry Them Fishies
Sovereign Nations:
Eaten By Water Hyacinth
Sovereign Nations:
Ernakulam Boat Jetty Canoes
Sovereign Nations:
Just Another Dump Truck
Sovereign Nations:
Sovereign Nations:
Old Tech-New Tech
Sovereign Nations:
Old Tech-New Tech Again
Sovereign Nations:
Scrapers and Helpers