SouthWestDreams : Highway 4 a/m
SouthWestDreams : botanic dragon
SouthWestDreams : $150.00 dragon
SouthWestDreams : Jemez autumn
SouthWestDreams : Sandia pond
SouthWestDreams : tree (black is good)
SouthWestDreams : Ok. Be that way!
SouthWestDreams : Rose Breasted Grossbeak
SouthWestDreams : Found turquoise
SouthWestDreams : Canyon Diablo meteorite (Proof that Explore is a mystery!)
SouthWestDreams : Cedar Waxwing
SouthWestDreams : Emerald spreadwing (essentially un cropped)
SouthWestDreams : Blue fronted dancer
SouthWestDreams : Views out and down. Way down. ( tiny me at upper right)
SouthWestDreams : Hoodoos and roots
SouthWestDreams : Green heron
SouthWestDreams : Virgin Mesa
SouthWestDreams : Heading Back
SouthWestDreams : Apache plume
SouthWestDreams : Christmas cactus
SouthWestDreams : Pending eviction notice!