SouthWestDreams : One of two tarped
SouthWestDreams : Curb adapter
SouthWestDreams : Existing roof curb
SouthWestDreams : Custom curbs arrive
SouthWestDreams : One of two old units
SouthWestDreams : Custom curb adapters arrive
SouthWestDreams : bad ground or why the codes change
SouthWestDreams : Blues Brothers
SouthWestDreams : SuperBowlXX
SouthWestDreams : SuperBowlXX
SouthWestDreams : Triad before
SouthWestDreams : Triad after
SouthWestDreams : Malco Hammer
SouthWestDreams : The heating man finally replaces his
SouthWestDreams : The heating man finally replaces his.
SouthWestDreams : The lettering process which after 4 trucks I finally got to watch. I came to find out he also does most of the period signs in the movies shot in Chicawgo. Look for a weathered flag painted on a two story brick building in new Superman. The hotel sign is
SouthWestDreams : Trane 90 heat exchanger
SouthWestDreams : Honeywell thermostat '30's
SouthWestDreams : Death to squirrels, their affiliates and the horses they rode in on!
SouthWestDreams : Old/New -Golf, Il
SouthWestDreams : Michael Jordan #23