South Strand Trucking: Minx set for its holidays
South Strand Trucking: Original condition yank tank
South Strand Trucking: Vauxhall & Beetle
South Strand Trucking: MAN box van & drag
South Strand Trucking: MAN box van & drag
South Strand Trucking: MAN Split Screen Tractor
South Strand Trucking: Bussing tractor & Trailer
South Strand Trucking: Henschel comlpete with race trailer and Mustang
South Strand Trucking: Henschel comlpete with race trailer and Mustang
South Strand Trucking: Krupp Wagon & Drag
South Strand Trucking: Volvo Tractor
South Strand Trucking: Mercedes box van
South Strand Trucking: Fiat & Trailer
South Strand Trucking: Fiat & Trailer
South Strand Trucking: Triumph Spitfire
South Strand Trucking: Triumph Spitfire
South Strand Trucking: Cezeta Scooter
South Strand Trucking: Scooter wagon
South Strand Trucking: Volvo Tipper
South Strand Trucking: Kromhout Tractor & Trailer
South Strand Trucking: Volvo Tractor & Trailer