southshieldsfc1: AW8A6965
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan and Jamie Holmes applaud the fans at Mariners Park
southshieldsfc1: Louis Storey and Darren Lough applaud the fans at Mariners Park
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7011
southshieldsfc1: Louis Storey
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7027
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7028
southshieldsfc1: Michael Richardson
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7030
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7034
southshieldsfc1: Michael Richardson
southshieldsfc1: Darren Lough
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan
southshieldsfc1: AW8A7064
southshieldsfc1: Darren Lough
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan
southshieldsfc1: Anthony Callaghan
southshieldsfc1: Jamie Holmes
southshieldsfc1: Jamie Holmes
southshieldsfc1: Jamie Holmes
southshieldsfc1: Jamie Holmes
southshieldsfc1: Darren Lough
southshieldsfc1: Andrew Stephenson
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan is fouled for penalty
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan is fouled for penalty
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan is fouled for penalty
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan scores penalty against Jarrow Roofing
southshieldsfc1: Carl Finnigan scores penalty against Jarrow Roofing