Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase in the kitchen at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Dooky Chase Restaurant exterior sign
Southern Foodways Alliance: customers arriving at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase greeting customers at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase greeting customers at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase in the kitchen at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase in the kitchen at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase in the kitchen at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase in the kitchen at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: portrait of Barack Obama eating at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Dooky Chase Restaurant dining room
Southern Foodways Alliance: Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Dooky Chase Restaurant dining room
Southern Foodways Alliance: Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase shaking a customer's hand
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase's hands
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Southern Foodways Alliance: Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant