Southern Foodways Alliance: Joey and Suzie Lamonte
Southern Foodways Alliance: Joey and Suzie Lamonte
Southern Foodways Alliance: Middendorf's waitress with Louis and Josie Middendorf, around 1930s
Southern Foodways Alliance: Middendorf's Restaurant in 1947
Southern Foodways Alliance: Louis Middendorf around 1940s
Southern Foodways Alliance: Louis Middendorf around 1929
Southern Foodways Alliance: in front of the Middendorf family home, built 1940s
Southern Foodways Alliance: Joey Lamonte with a magazine article
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's home
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's radicchio
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's koi pond
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's greens and dog, Heidi
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's home garden
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte's backyard
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie Lamonte with her painting
Southern Foodways Alliance: Suzie and Joey Lamonte with their dog, Heidi