South Carolina ETV:
Thomas Strange and David Kiser
South Carolina ETV:
Anabelle trying out the Jacob Kirkman Harpsichord
South Carolina ETV:
Yu Jung Jeon-John Broadwood Grand-1791
South Carolina ETV:
Melvina Kuoshu-John Broadwood Grand 1791
South Carolina ETV:
The Piano Chopin Played: Annabelle Yang-John Broadwood and Sons-1845-London-
South Carolina ETV:
Thomas Strange demonstrating the percussing pedal effect
South Carolina ETV:
David and Won Jung Kiser at the John Broadwood 1787
South Carolina ETV:
Emma Bao played on this John Broadwood piano from 1787
South Carolina ETV:
Danika Yang performed a Clementi Sonatina on this Clementi piano from 1799, London
South Carolina ETV:
Annabelle Yang recorded on a John Broadwood and Sons piano from 1845, London for On the Keys
South Carolina ETV:
Melvina and Annabelle at the piano Chopin played