SourCherries: Seattle
SourCherries: They got tired of posing at this point-
SourCherries: Out over the sound some direction.
SourCherries: First photo from atop the needle.
SourCherries: Ubiquitous Space Needle Photo
SourCherries: Jeff and Paula v. 2
SourCherries: Jeff and Paula v. 1
SourCherries: J and P
SourCherries: Looking Down
SourCherries: Seattle at Night
SourCherries: Downtown Seattle at Night
SourCherries: A Glance Down
SourCherries: Downtown Seattle
SourCherries: Space Needle Bars
SourCherries: Looking West
SourCherries: Jeff Admires the View
SourCherries: Jeff and Paula looking at something
SourCherries: Starfish Underbelly
SourCherries: Just hanging out
SourCherries: Underneath some Fish v. 2
SourCherries: Underneath some Fish
SourCherries: Some fish at the aquarium...
SourCherries: Some bird at the aquarium
SourCherries: Paula and Jeff... the final pose.