Sourcefabric: In the Prague office at Sourcefabric
Sourcefabric: The team in Prague
Sourcefabric: Sava talks to the team in the Prague office
Sourcefabric: Team members at Sourcefabric
Sourcefabric: The team in the Prague office
Sourcefabric: The beautiful Prague office
Sourcefabric: Teammates in the Prague office
Sourcefabric: Sourcefabric in Prague
Sourcefabric: Sava talking to the team in Prague
Sourcefabric: Sourcefabric team at Sourcecamp
Sourcefabric: Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Teammates at Sourcefabric
Sourcefabric: The Sourcefabric team
Sourcefabric: Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Sava at Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: The team at Soucefabric
Sourcefabric: All in favour!
Sourcefabric: The Prague office
Sourcefabric: Teammates
Sourcefabric: Working at Sourcecamp
Sourcefabric: The team takes a break
Sourcefabric: Holman and Ljuba at Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Mihai from Superdesk at Sourcecamp
Sourcefabric: Packing up
Sourcefabric: Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Waiting for action at Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Sourcecamp 2013
Sourcefabric: Packing up
Sourcefabric: Our designers at Sourcecamp