souphatra: 38/365 (polar wrap)
souphatra: 40/365 (who doesn't love water?)
souphatra: 41/365 (in m-eye-ris)
souphatra: 45/365 (i'm still remembering)
souphatra: 47/365 (“Eternity begins and ends with the ocean's tides.”)
souphatra: 54/365 ( i heard every word )
souphatra: 57/365 (my heartbeat keeps time with the drums but soon my only pulse will fade away)
souphatra: 61/365 (light and shadow)
souphatra: 70/365 (~and i will see you again~)
souphatra: 78/365 (~when you're gone~)
souphatra: 93/365 (Flying without feathers is not easy; my wings have no feathers.)
souphatra: 96/365 ( i feel wierd today.....)
souphatra: 100/365 (~love rain down in me~)
souphatra: 102/365
souphatra: 107/365 (...for those who think i don't smile enough...)
souphatra: 109/365 (illumination)
souphatra: 110/365 (soaking it up)
souphatra: 112/350 (profound contemplations)
souphatra: 113/364 (Nothing happens unless first we dream.)
souphatra: 115/365 (~almost blue~)
souphatra: 118/365 (~tangled up in~)
souphatra: 121/365 (fading into the you)
souphatra: 122/365 (fluttering away)
souphatra: 123/365 (i want to break free)
souphatra: 124/365 (all over me)
souphatra: 126/365 (~:~)
souphatra: 129/365 (flashinglights)
souphatra: 130/365
souphatra: 134/365 (on top of the world)
souphatra: 135/365 (~hang me up to DRRYYYYY, you wrung me out too too too many times~)