Elvi Does Pictures Too: welcome to the SDM lights...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and colours...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and images...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and pink dots...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and other red things...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and green...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: el. on the cut
Elvi Does Pictures Too: a dancin' blur
Elvi Does Pictures Too: el. on the cut...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...and m. on the moves
Elvi Does Pictures Too: el. and sweets
Elvi Does Pictures Too: everybody's leaving the uptight disc jockey...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...no, not exactly...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...yeah, they're comin' back!
Elvi Does Pictures Too: rooomantic bum bum
Elvi Does Pictures Too: on the lookout
Elvi Does Pictures Too: gettin' down in the Red Room
Elvi Does Pictures Too: light of... the music, apparently...
Elvi Does Pictures Too: ...or the video?
Elvi Does Pictures Too: Shout! Shout!
Elvi Does Pictures Too: false seduction?
Elvi Does Pictures Too: Mar. G. is...