SoulSoap: Bob Cummings - Alaska Goldpanners
SoulSoap: Between Games
SoulSoap: Reaping the Wind
SoulSoap: Hunting Trinity - Dad
SoulSoap: HuntingTrinity group
SoulSoap: HuntingTrinity Tent (outake)
SoulSoap: HuntingTrinity Tent
SoulSoap: Dad brings in a King
SoulSoap: Dad brings in a King
SoulSoap: Proud Fisherman
SoulSoap: Results
SoulSoap: Fighting the King
SoulSoap: "That's a lot of work!"
SoulSoap: Dad's Prize
SoulSoap: End of Day Two
SoulSoap: Dad bringing in a Yellow-Eye 450+ Feet
SoulSoap: The reward
SoulSoap: Father/Son
SoulSoap: Inside the Cabin
SoulSoap: After Day Three
SoulSoap: Mom & Me
SoulSoap: Mom, 1973
SoulSoap: myfirsthaircut
SoulSoap: Ballpark with Mom
SoulSoap: Signing Autographs
SoulSoap: Throw From Third
SoulSoap: Basehit
SoulSoap: Dad & Mom at "The Big Wave Cafe"
SoulSoap: James & Robert on Waters' Edge
SoulSoap: Family Reunion Rogue River 2008