soulrider67: green music 4
soulrider67: green music 3
soulrider67: green music 2
soulrider67: green music
soulrider67: cheese
soulrider67: special hug
soulrider67: wel-comeeee
soulrider67: bubbles
soulrider67: tower ..colours
soulrider67: shanghai ....signs
soulrider67: the special "Bund" tunnel
soulrider67: Matz und Doreen
soulrider67: more signs
soulrider67: Italian restaurant ....joking
soulrider67: hell-uwww ladies
soulrider67: two handsome looking guys
soulrider67: peeps
soulrider67: Wu Garden - peeps
soulrider67: Wu Garden - rocks
soulrider67: long dragon - Wu Garden
soulrider67: twin dragons ...
soulrider67: moi and the tanja
soulrider67: ugh...we have been drinking...anything with a fire we can hold?