[.emerelle core.]: [- Ń.ɪ.cK -]
[.emerelle core.]: [life is beautiful]
[.emerelle core.]: [carry YOU]
[.emerelle core.]: [... she remembered ...]
[.emerelle core.]: Where the light shivers offshore...
[.emerelle core.]: And then she remembered who she was and moved on!
[.emerelle core.]: [My Heart Opened - A Night full of Lights]
[.emerelle core.]: [A Secret Place]
[.emerelle core.]: [taking a walk - beautiful nature]
[.emerelle core.]: [Dream of Flying]
[.emerelle core.]: [summer is leaving]
[.emerelle core.]: [and so we dance under the stars believing in freedom]
[.emerelle core.]: [The Seed]
[.emerelle core.]: [like a child - beautify your inner dialogue]
[.emerelle core.]: [grown in storms]
[.emerelle core.]: [Silhouettes]
[.emerelle core.]: [sound of silence]
[.emerelle core.]: [upside down]
[.emerelle core.]: [They call me the wild rose]
[.emerelle core.]: [ain´t no good]
[.emerelle core.]: [I Will Be There]
[.emerelle core.]: [All I want...]
[.emerelle core.]: [dance for me...]