Olaya Garcia:
aleta de cachalote/ sperm whale fin
Olaya Garcia:
aleta de cachalote/ sperm whale fin
Olaya Garcia:
esqueleto de cachalote/ sperm whale scheleton
Olaya Garcia:
esqueleto de cachalote/ sperm whale scheleton
Olaya Garcia:
esqueleto de cachalote/ sperm whale scheleton
Olaya Garcia:
representacion de caza/ representation of hunt
Olaya Garcia:
representacion de caza/ representation of hunt
Olaya Garcia:
barbas y dientes/ baleens and teeths
Olaya Garcia:
craneo de orca/ orca skull
Olaya Garcia:
craneo de orca/ orca skull
Olaya Garcia:
craneo de orca/ orca skull
Olaya Garcia:
craneo de orca/ orca skull
Olaya Garcia:
esqueleto de calderon/ pilot whale scheleton
Olaya Garcia:
Olaya Garcia:
cachalote/sperm whale