sophpl: DSCN4104
sophpl: DSCN3093
sophpl: DSCN3893
sophpl: DSCN3621
sophpl: DSCN3521
sophpl: DSCN3545
sophpl: 21-06-10_1549
sophpl: 27-06-10_2008
sophpl: 25-06-10_2028
sophpl: I call him Jim
sophpl: A truly awesome bird.
sophpl: 10-09-10_1039
sophpl: DSCN5189
sophpl: Prague 2015 JAckdaw
sophpl: who are you lookin' at...?
sophpl: Long-Tailed Tiny
sophpl: Wild lutino Ring-necked parakeet in Kent
sophpl: There you are...
sophpl: I got the cake bag... yum...
sophpl: Speckled wood
sophpl: Green shield
sophpl: Visiting
sophpl: First peacock of the year
sophpl: All nice and comfy...
sophpl: Orange Tip (Female)
sophpl: Speckled Wood
sophpl: statuesque
sophpl: In a circular motion...
sophpl: Mandarins
sophpl: Oi - cheeky...