Sophon: Warm up Wall 1
Sophon: Warm Up Wall 2
Sophon: Crag Lough
Sophon: Pinnacle Face
Sophon: Pinnacle Face
Sophon: Pinnacle Face
Sophon: Pinnacle Face
Sophon: Face Route
Sophon: Kenny's Nuts!
Sophon: Check those knots!
Sophon: On top of the world...
Sophon: Holy MACKEREL we are high!
Sophon: Tron blurr
Sophon: Belay
Sophon: Craigmore Crag
Sophon: The Crag
Sophon: Coming Down
Sophon: Tron Abseil
Sophon: Tron a la Boulder
Sophon: Belay
Sophon: Silhouette
Sophon: Traverse
Sophon: Reaching
Sophon: Ailsa Craig
Sophon: Matched Hands
Sophon: Kenny and Boulders
Sophon: Boulders and Ailsa Craig
Sophon: Overhanging Kenny
Sophon: End of game...
Sophon: Scrambling