Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise 1-31-08
Sophisticated Kitty:
Catalina Trip - 16
Sophisticated Kitty:
Sunrise Eastern Sierras
Sophisticated Kitty:
moon over the sierras
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise mist
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise 2-11-08
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise 2-10-08
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise 3-6-08
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise 2-27-08
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise in the wave
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise haze
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise whitney
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise trail camp
Sophisticated Kitty:
sunrise rock creek lake
Sophisticated Kitty:
rock creek lake
Sophisticated Kitty:
Emerald Bay sunrise
Sophisticated Kitty:
11/19/11 sun rise -Chesbro Lake