sophiesunset: My night cream as of January 3. Started as part of a seasonal cleanse and see no reason to stop.
sophiesunset: Cut loose on a windy day
sophiesunset: Went down the street to try out David Baker's steel sidewalk panels in the rain. NOT SLIPPERY. And beautiful.
sophiesunset: Saturday Stock on a rainy morning. Easy happy future food...thanks for the reminder #coachseinberg
sophiesunset: Becca and Elektra!
sophiesunset: Babe in the house.
sophiesunset: Ovarian Trolley!
sophiesunset: Folsom Tunnel...on a rainy Sunday walk.
sophiesunset: Doctor Time.
sophiesunset: Red V day Cami Cat
sophiesunset: Looking for the bright spots.
sophiesunset: Slow start.
sophiesunset: The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
sophiesunset: Mark & Freddie
sophiesunset: Freddie killing it at Chez Poulet.
sophiesunset: Bathroom Decor, Chez Poulet.
sophiesunset: Windy Day Off, westside.
sophiesunset: In the Evening.
sophiesunset: Someone has a birthday coming up. And someone made her lasagna.
sophiesunset: Mr. Lucky & the Cocktail Party
sophiesunset: Who's a lucky lady?! ME. 40 days and 40 nights + brilliant friends = delicious sunshine in a bottle.
sophiesunset: Sunday.
sophiesunset: At Caruso 's Dream Opening
sophiesunset: Full streets for the art opening
sophiesunset: Caruso's Dream
sophiesunset: Caruso's Dream
sophiesunset: Here we go!
sophiesunset: All of the goodness of SF Arts and performance
sophiesunset: Caruso's Dream
sophiesunset: upload