sophiesunset: butterfly bush INDEED
sophiesunset: butterfly bush INDEED
sophiesunset: Grandpa's magic drawers
sophiesunset: mmmm is for Mallard
sophiesunset: Nicky playing in the sand
sophiesunset: destroyer of worlds
sophiesunset: chillin' after a long walk
sophiesunset: Lily & I checking out the trail
sophiesunset: Nicky scouts ahead
sophiesunset: The view up
sophiesunset: Marl Lake
sophiesunset: beautiful northern woods
sophiesunset: Leading the parade
sophiesunset: Arlo ponders
sophiesunset: Lily taking a picture
sophiesunset: Me and my fab niece
sophiesunset: Mushrooms for Nana
sophiesunset: Monotropa uniflora
sophiesunset: Monotropa uniflora
sophiesunset: "freedom sequence"
sophiesunset: heading for the island
sophiesunset: Lily, Nana, and Captain Fred
sophiesunset: On Tube Duty
sophiesunset: On Tube Duty
sophiesunset: Tubing with the kiddos
sophiesunset: Fred's Flower garden
sophiesunset: Our wedding Walnut
sophiesunset: in Dow Gardens
sophiesunset: Joe Pie weed
sophiesunset: Perfect Circle