sophiesunset: Joe and ding ding at the Dark Room
sophiesunset: H.N. Nolan director and her papparazzi mangager
sophiesunset: Clandestine Mail Sorting
sophiesunset: Begging
sophiesunset: Disturbing the Peace
sophiesunset: I wanna do it!
sophiesunset: The Warden
sophiesunset: Trouble!
sophiesunset: Pencil Power
sophiesunset: Enter the napkins...Snams
sophiesunset: Carl's napkin collection
sophiesunset: Carl Explains how people are made
sophiesunset: examining the napkins
sophiesunset: Suiting up to sell some guns...
sophiesunset: Are you feelin' it?
sophiesunset: Shane Koon
sophiesunset: Greg Browman and Joe Jarrell
sophiesunset: Crisis!
sophiesunset: The Promotions Envelope
sophiesunset: ...that's how *I* get ahead...
sophiesunset: Do you remember when YOU got your first comb?
sophiesunset: The Barber's Comb always sees blue
sophiesunset: Joe giving the good word
sophiesunset: Cast of Future...Mission