Sophie Shaw: Lucy Light 1
Sophie Shaw: As the Clouds Swim By
Sophie Shaw: Floating
Sophie Shaw: Downward Spiral 4
Sophie Shaw: Downward Spiral1
Sophie Shaw: My Dragonfly
Sophie Shaw: Sieve Sand
Sophie Shaw: Lost Child
Sophie Shaw: Evening Breeze
Sophie Shaw: Portugal Lucy
Sophie Shaw: Lola Chill
Sophie Shaw: Bournemouth Handstand
Sophie Shaw: Beach Boy (Bournemouth)
Sophie Shaw: Struck by light
Sophie Shaw: Hampster
Sophie Shaw: Claudia 2
Sophie Shaw: Claudia 1
Sophie Shaw: Mesmerised
Sophie Shaw: Pre-Fashion
Sophie Shaw: Nothing to Wear.
Sophie Shaw: What Else is Out There?
Sophie Shaw: Nevertheless, Boredom Still Remains...
Sophie Shaw: George 482
Sophie Shaw: George 446
Sophie Shaw: Lolamouseteddy
Sophie Shaw: Lola Lollypop