Sophie.K.C: 森林鐵路 阿里山車站 Forest Railway Alishan Station, Taiwan.
Sophie.K.C: 剪票口 Boarding Entrance.
Sophie.K.C: 月台 Platform.
Sophie.K.C: Start our trip by train.
Sophie.K.C: History.
Sophie.K.C: Arrived at Sacred Tree Station.
Sophie.K.C: Alishan National Scenic Area 阿里山國家風景區
Sophie.K.C: 阿里山吊橋 Alishan Drawbridge.
Sophie.K.C: 拉不拉多瞬間登場!!!
Sophie.K.C: Famous Alishan Tea.
Sophie.K.C: 野生愛玉
Sophie.K.C: 當然要嚐鮮
Sophie.K.C: 受鎮宮 Shou Cheng Temple.
Sophie.K.C: Lanterns.
Sophie.K.C: 木蘭 Magnolia.
Sophie.K.C: 姊妹潭 Older, Younger Sisters Pond.
Sophie.K.C: Honey :)
Sophie.K.C: 沼平站旁的櫻花棧道 Cherry blossoms in Chaoping Station.
Sophie.K.C: Honey was tired.
Sophie.K.C: The way back to Alishan.
Sophie.K.C: 到了奮起湖絕對不能忘了買鐵路便當!!