jeansophie: Celebrate Spring!
jeansophie: Hummingbird
jeansophie: Hummingbird (label)
jeansophie: Hummingbird (detail)
jeansophie: Best of Show
jeansophie: Hummingbird (with ribbon)
jeansophie: The Month was May
jeansophie: The Month was May (label)
jeansophie: The Month was May (detail)
jeansophie: Luna (label)
jeansophie: Luna (detail)
jeansophie: Fairy Ring
jeansophie: Fairy Ring (label)
jeansophie: Fairy Ring (detail)
jeansophie: Koi Dreams
jeansophie: Koi Dreams (label)
jeansophie: Koi Dreams (detail)
jeansophie: In Full Bloom
jeansophie: In Full Bloom (detail)
jeansophie: Bugs and Other Living Things
jeansophie: Bugs and Other Living Things (label)
jeansophie: Bugs and Other Living Things (detail)
jeansophie: Flower Drum Song
jeansophie: Flower Drum Song (label)
jeansophie: Flower Drum Song (detail)
jeansophie: Scent of Spring
jeansophie: Scent of Spring (label)
jeansophie: Extravagance
jeansophie: Extravagance (label)