Missy Cookie Monster: nathan's had enough...
Missy Cookie Monster: go on, do a stupid pose, you know you want to
Missy Cookie Monster: spot the terrible shoes
Missy Cookie Monster: good lord, are we all smiling at once??
Missy Cookie Monster: excellent expression from giles
Missy Cookie Monster: think nathan's taking a nap
Missy Cookie Monster: who chose the brilliant setting?
Missy Cookie Monster: blimey, this photo's almost got all of us smiling
Missy Cookie Monster: nathan's starting to fall asleep
Missy Cookie Monster: nathan's smiling for once - but I'm gurning
Missy Cookie Monster: *nudge "nathan! try and smile!"
Missy Cookie Monster: telling nathan to behave doesn't work
Missy Cookie Monster: My friend Gwa's twins
Missy Cookie Monster: how cute and windswept!
Missy Cookie Monster: door knocker in milan
Missy Cookie Monster: The boy done good